20 Nisan 2015 Pazartesi

Building At Its Finest

             For me,  constructivist approach in teaching is one of the best approaches in the teaching context. Because its not only helps students to think but also helps them to express their thoughts about a topic..(such as debates in the video).  Building something together is one of the most satisfying things if you manage to succeed. I think constructivism takes its roots from that notion,  "construct" , "build" something together.

             Working in real environment (in their mini-realia) BOOSTS the students. I think reducing the environment into four walled prison is a bad thing, and were our nightmares when we were in elementary school, high school, in constructivism, constructivism gives you an opportunity to break your shackles psychologically and thinking more freely.

             Just like the everything in this world, constructivism has negative sides as well but not that much I guess. In the small groups some of the students can be shy and hesitate to express themselves but I think that problem can be solved easily because when you do something a lot, they get used to it and I think eventually that vicious cycle crack and that student finally express him/herself.

           I would totally,certainly will use this constructivist approach as a teacher because I think it forces students to think much more and let them see the big puzzle when they bring all the pieces together themselves and also forcing them to TEAM WORK is helping them in the every aspect of this life.

30 Mart 2015 Pazartesi

All in, Or Nothing

Risks are one of the things that inevitable in our lives, the phrase "all in or nothing" is a motto that I associated myself with. People should take risks, but must be smart enough to taking stupid risks. When it comes to learning context, risks are really important to take and for my humble point of view; teachers should be smart enough to take relevant and accurate risks that encourage their students, not to discourage them. When I was in the highschool one of my teachers took risks all the time such as grouping us just like in the video about differentiated instruction. Taking smart risks not only helps us in the educational world but also it helps us in our everyday life. The key is not being too dumb to take silly risks that ruins our life. Without risks, I don't think people can get what they want.

13 Mart 2015 Cuma

About Collaboration

         Apart from in educational purposes, collaboration has a vital impact upon our lifes. There is a statement that I LOVE in this life, "Sharing is caring." I dont know about the majority of the people but I love sharing my ideas, thoughts , past experiences to someone and helping them. This is like a double-edged blade but not a sharper one that hurts the both sides, on the contrary its beneficial to the both sides because in terms of collaboration  you help someone and you get help in return. In my classes at METU NCC my educaters loves collaboration and giving us tasks that leading us think that makes one, collaboration makes you think and brainstorming and for me the most important thing about those tasks are sharing our ideas and help each others out and I learned a LOT of things from those group collaboration tasks. In the terms of collaboration my strenghts are I love talking, sharing my ideas and LEARNING THINGS while listening their thougts and ideas and we can correct each others mistakes which means we're filling each others inadequate parts. My weaknesses are I cannot adapt every atmosphere, if I like the people that I'm collaborating with I'm a collaboration machine but when it comes to negative groups, people I'm hesitating to express myself and being a shy person. My other weak part is that I'm impatient. I can develop my collaborating skills by collaborating more I think. The best way is practice and keeping in touch with people. I think in the classroom the worst thing is losing the attention, I think that occurs when your students get bored. I will start transfering my collaboration skills with arranging sociable environment in class.

Collaboration pushes teachers to think more !

4 Mart 2015 Çarşamba

My Superhero

     I think a super teacher should be patient, intelligent, flexible, learn from mistakes, help as more as s/he can, devoted to teaching.  I have chosen the most intelligent superhero that thinks before she moves and knows everything, because according to my teaching philosophy the more a teacher know the more a teacher can teach. I think a teacher don't need to be physically strong, because pen is actually sharper than sword.  My superhero can run fast to help people when its needed , she can travel in time in order to teach children the events visually for example when teaching the hiroshima, nagazaki atomic bomb event and its harms she take children to the time that is happened and show things like that (ofcourse without getting them killed). and a person who can travel in time is the best person that knows time's value, and according to Danielson's fraemwork timing (because planning and preperation can not be done without timing - a person without timing skills can not be professionally responsible - ) is one of the most important thing in class. She has a horn that can call someone for help at any time which means she knows that he's not the best teacher around town, even a teacher should be keep learning from others, because learning is limitless.

Personal Statement

      I want to be a teacher because education is the most important thing in someone's life,  there is a statement that "give me twins, I make one a terrorist and I make one a president" I totally agree with this idea, because the difference between those two childs is education. I want to make an impact upon someone's educational life and shape someone in a good way, being able to having that power is a unique thing.

    I worked with children in summer, its really hard but its fun. and when i become teacher, i want to take care of kids, educating them priceless.

   I want to learn how can I improve myself in teaching, because the more I know the more I can teach I believe, and the more improve myself especially in 'how to teach' the more i can be succesfull in this path.

27 Şubat 2015 Cuma

What Am I Doing Recently?

            I believe in Karma. I am happy and angry at the same time when I play Dota. Its important to have a nice friends around that I can trust. I am interested in basketball. What no one realizes me about me is I'm not a quitter ! My destiny is being succesful.

Who Will Sefa Become?

             In my twenties I hope to achieve work for a good school. In my thirties I want to buy a house and a nice car. In my forties I want to become a father!  The goals I have include will be done! I am worried about my future because life is full of surprises. I am confident that I have a great family that supports me in every kind of problem that I will face. I feel uncertain of my graduation date :D because I'm a lazy person when it comes to study. I know for sure that I will graduate from this university.